C#16mo ago

How can i sort a data i have in c#

RB - 28 YAŞ- Heartles - 66 M
RB - 20 YAŞ- Jeremy Doku - 86 M
RB - 27 YAŞ- Arıza - 94 M
RB - 25 YAŞ- Bright - 122 M
LB - 22 YAŞ- Griffin - 69 M
LB - 28 YAŞ- Rythia - 108 M
LB - 25 YAŞ- İbo Şayşayro - 73 M
RB - 22 YAŞ- Nakeshi - 79 M
LB - 29 YAŞ- Rage Reshly - 39 M
LB - 26 YAŞ- ba2van - 43 M
LB - 20 YAŞ- Cyg - 48 M
LB - 19 YAŞ- Felix - 52 M
LB - 27 YAŞ- GodOfPosko - 38 M
LB - 23 YAŞ- leqendd - 56 M
RB - 27 YAŞ- Reipsito - 82 M
RB - 28 YAŞ- Türkay - 48 M
LB - 28 YAŞ- Algos - 72 M
LB - 21 YAŞ- Mertuzun1234 - 49 M
LB - 22 YAŞ- Szykowiak - 32 M
LB - 25 YAŞ- Lakaka - 51 M
LB - 23 YAŞ- rexa - 36 M
RB - 21 YAŞ- Kekreyen - 39 M
RB - 30 YAŞ- Bismarck - 49 M
RB - 30 YAŞ- leo's - 52 M
LB - 31 YAŞ- Kralahmet 140M
RB - 24 YAŞ- Emiric 108M
RB - 24 YAŞ- Clark Kent 71M
LB - 21 YAŞ- Salight - 65M
LB - 23 YAŞ- Garrincha - 56M
LB - 18 YAŞ- Mkc - 47M
LB - 26 YAŞ- Misaki - 39M
LB - 28 YAŞ- Nearby - 61M
LB - 35 YAŞ- Casa - 105M
RB - 28 YAŞ- Heartles - 66 M
RB - 20 YAŞ- Jeremy Doku - 86 M
RB - 27 YAŞ- Arıza - 94 M
RB - 25 YAŞ- Bright - 122 M
LB - 22 YAŞ- Griffin - 69 M
LB - 28 YAŞ- Rythia - 108 M
LB - 25 YAŞ- İbo Şayşayro - 73 M
RB - 22 YAŞ- Nakeshi - 79 M
LB - 29 YAŞ- Rage Reshly - 39 M
LB - 26 YAŞ- ba2van - 43 M
LB - 20 YAŞ- Cyg - 48 M
LB - 19 YAŞ- Felix - 52 M
LB - 27 YAŞ- GodOfPosko - 38 M
LB - 23 YAŞ- leqendd - 56 M
RB - 27 YAŞ- Reipsito - 82 M
RB - 28 YAŞ- Türkay - 48 M
LB - 28 YAŞ- Algos - 72 M
LB - 21 YAŞ- Mertuzun1234 - 49 M
LB - 22 YAŞ- Szykowiak - 32 M
LB - 25 YAŞ- Lakaka - 51 M
LB - 23 YAŞ- rexa - 36 M
RB - 21 YAŞ- Kekreyen - 39 M
RB - 30 YAŞ- Bismarck - 49 M
RB - 30 YAŞ- leo's - 52 M
LB - 31 YAŞ- Kralahmet 140M
RB - 24 YAŞ- Emiric 108M
RB - 24 YAŞ- Clark Kent 71M
LB - 21 YAŞ- Salight - 65M
LB - 23 YAŞ- Garrincha - 56M
LB - 18 YAŞ- Mkc - 47M
LB - 26 YAŞ- Misaki - 39M
LB - 28 YAŞ- Nearby - 61M
LB - 35 YAŞ- Casa - 105M
txt the data is this and i want to learn how to sort this data in string array after that i want to sort this Million values by int so i can sort by value i hope i could explain myself
64 Replies
Angius16mo ago
Split by whatever so you only get the segment you want to sort by, and sort by that For example,
MODiX16mo ago
REPL Result: Success
var lst = new[]{
lst.OrderBy(s => int.Parse(s[^1].ToString()))
var lst = new[]{
lst.OrderBy(s => int.Parse(s[^1].ToString()))
Result: OrderedEnumerable<string, int>
Compile: 676.964ms | Execution: 74.098ms | React with ❌ to remove this embed.
SalightOP16mo ago
wow but i didn't understand the part parse method
MODiX16mo ago
REPL Result: Success
Result: int
Compile: 470.036ms | Execution: 26.996ms | React with ❌ to remove this embed.
Angius16mo ago
It turns a string into an int
SalightOP16mo ago
s[^1] what is this means and i got one more question so as you can see it is a long data and i have more than that do i have to put quotes and comma for every single array element or can we make this easier to put that all by itself in array
cap5lut16mo ago
s[^1] is short hand for s[s.Length - 1]
SalightOP16mo ago
:d this code seems too complicated for me now i got one more question where did we define s what is s
cap5lut16mo ago
well, u know that the index starts at 0 right?
SalightOP16mo ago
cap5lut16mo ago
ah, that s is from the lambda expression
SalightOP16mo ago
isn't that the lambda, is all about short if else
cap5lut16mo ago
if u mean something like condition ? value1 : value2, thats a ternary operator
SalightOP16mo ago
oh mb
cap5lut16mo ago
a lambda is a short written method
SalightOP16mo ago
so let me ask you something the data up over here that i pasted it. Could we order by value? just with the order.by method?
MODiX16mo ago
REPL Result: Success
Func<int, int> function = number => number * 2;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
int result = function(i);
Func<int, int> function = number => number * 2;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
int result = function(i);
Console Output
Compile: 680.717ms | Execution: 78.199ms | React with ❌ to remove this embed.
SalightOP16mo ago
so this is lambda right
cap5lut16mo ago
SalightOP16mo ago
why didn't i see that before huh weird am i tweaking or what
cap5lut16mo ago
well, the number => number * 2 part is the lambda expression
SalightOP16mo ago
got it
cap5lut16mo ago
function is a variable of the delegate type Func<T, R> anyway, OrderBy is a method that wants a "value selector" from u, it runs this selector for each entry to get values to sort by
SalightOP16mo ago
what do you mean by value selector
cap5lut16mo ago
well, imagine this example:
SalightOP16mo ago
i was thinking like after the M char convert the number to int than sort this value in for loop
cap5lut16mo ago
public record Person(string Name, int Age);

var persons = new Person[]
new Person("Max", 35),
new Person("Thomas", 18),
new Person("Sophia", 73)
public record Person(string Name, int Age);

var persons = new Person[]
new Person("Max", 35),
new Person("Thomas", 18),
new Person("Sophia", 73)
if u wanted to sort that array by the Name property, u would have to express that somehow
MODiX16mo ago
REPL Result: Success
public record Person(string Name, int Age);

var persons = new Person[]
new Person("Max", 35),
new Person("Thomas", 18),
new Person("Sophia", 73)
.OrderBy(p => p.Name)
public record Person(string Name, int Age);

var persons = new Person[]
new Person("Max", 35),
new Person("Thomas", 18),
new Person("Sophia", 73)
.OrderBy(p => p.Name)
Result: Person[]
"name": "Max",
"age": 35
"name": "Sophia",
"age": 73
"name": "Thomas",
"age": 18
"name": "Max",
"age": 35
"name": "Sophia",
"age": 73
"name": "Thomas",
"age": 18
Compile: 660.481ms | Execution: 106.197ms | React with ❌ to remove this embed.
SalightOP16mo ago
okay i got this but my main question is how could i change this large data to this
new Person("Max", 35),
new Person("Thomas", 18),
new Person("Sophia", 73)
new Person("Max", 35),
new Person("Thomas", 18),
new Person("Sophia", 73)
cap5lut16mo ago
how do u have that data? as file?
SalightOP16mo ago
like this . exactly the same
cap5lut16mo ago
well, is it one fat string? do u read it from a text file? is it the response of a http request?
SalightOP16mo ago
it is a text file it is not that fat but i thought if i have to do this i don't want to do it manually
cap5lut16mo ago
well, if its a file anyway we just read line by line ;p
SalightOP16mo ago
can't we do something
cap5lut16mo ago
looking at the format it seems like a - delimited string
SalightOP16mo ago
yes that's what i am talking about can't we cut the
parts an make that parts an array index
cap5lut16mo ago
so RB - 28 YAŞ- Türkay - 48 M would be split into RB , 28 YAŞ, Türkay and 48 M there is the string.Split(char) method
SalightOP16mo ago
hmm no we have to cut it from M
MODiX16mo ago
REPL Result: Success
"hello world".Split(' ')
"hello world".Split(' ')
Result: string[]
Compile: 464.279ms | Execution: 28.708ms | React with ❌ to remove this embed.
SalightOP16mo ago
that would be more correct YES THAT İ IS WHAT I AM TALKİNG ABOUT
MODiX16mo ago
REPL Result: Success
"RB - 28 YAŞ- Türkay - 48 M".Split('-')
"RB - 28 YAŞ- Türkay - 48 M".Split('-')
Result: string[]
"RB ",
" 28 YAŞ",
" Türkay ",
" 48 M"
"RB ",
" 28 YAŞ",
" Türkay ",
" 48 M"
Compile: 430.946ms | Execution: 41.537ms | React with ❌ to remove this embed.
SalightOP16mo ago
so let me ask you something if we adjust this method to a string x or something is it going to be array
cap5lut16mo ago
the Split method returns an array, yes
SalightOP16mo ago
string[] x=data.Split('M'); like this
cap5lut16mo ago
is data the whole file content as one string?
SalightOP16mo ago
yes i think we solved it with this method you*
cap5lut16mo ago
well, then the first step would be to split the content at its new lines or simply read the file line by line eg with this u read the file line by line
foreach (string line in File.ReadLines("path/to/your/file.txt"))
// do something
foreach (string line in File.ReadLines("path/to/your/file.txt"))
// do something
SalightOP16mo ago
this makes more sense i was going to paste it all this in the IDE
cap5lut16mo ago
oh yeah, im missing a ) at the end, fixed
SalightOP16mo ago
you helped me a lot mate thank you very much i obey you
cap5lut16mo ago
basically u need 3 things to get the data: - a class/record that can hold the information for one entry - a parse method that takes one line as string and returns an instance - a method that takes a file path and returns a list or array of all the instances it parsed with the first i cant help ya, because i have no clue what that data is about (besides that it has something to do with countries or regions)
SalightOP16mo ago
i was thinking about the class but i didn't know the txt methods but thanks to you i learnt that thank you a lot again
cap5lut16mo ago
the parse method will be a bit annoying unless u wanna/can use regular expressions and the last method is basically the foreach loop, which calls the parse method and stuffs the result into a list
SalightOP16mo ago
these are bit of hard for me i am a newbie but i am considering all of them in my mind
cap5lut16mo ago
hmm i guess u didnt learn about Regex yet, they are also quite cryptic, so not that for now anyway, all that starts with thinking about the properties an entry has and to create a class or record from that that will also mean u need to think about which data type each of these properties has
SalightOP16mo ago
i just learnt interface there seems to be long road i guess but i will learn eventually how long have you been coding ?
cap5lut16mo ago
u should have learned classes before interfaces i started learning by myself ~2000
SalightOP16mo ago
2000 hours you meant by that right
cap5lut16mo ago
no, the year 2000
SalightOP16mo ago
cap5lut16mo ago
but that was in other languages. first started messing with c# in 2017, but really actively used it 2021 (basically i didnt give a shit about c# before it started being platform independent) but i gotta hit the sack for tonight, i have to wake up in 5h 😂
SalightOP16mo ago
same :d anyways man goodnight thanks a lot
this_is_pain16mo ago
you can extract a key for the value and sort in linq or you can add that key/value to a sorted collection

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