Filament translations stopped working

Everything worked normally, but after working on translations in Laravel, the Fillament translations stopped working. Has anyone ever experienced this? I published fillament and laravel translation files already. Also published fillament views but could not find/replace the labels to test. Maybe I need to override Laravel translations to Filament translations? Is that even possible to do and not break the project?
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4 Replies
Dennis Koch
Dennis Koch16mo ago
Did you change the fallback language in app.fallback_language?
Also published fillament views but could not find/replace the labels to test.
Please don't do this.
Marília Passos 🌻
Thank you for the response! Yes the fallback_locale has been changed. 'locale' => 'pt', 'fallback_locale' => 'pt', And yes, sorry I did read an article about this. I shouldnt publish the views.
Dennis Koch
Dennis Koch16mo ago
Well there's your answer. Why do you set the fallback to the same language as the locale? Is is called fallback for a reason.
Marília Passos 🌻
Sorry, still learning. Thank you for the help. I apeciate it.

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