Filament translations stopped working
Everything worked normally, but after working on translations in Laravel, the Fillament translations stopped working.
Has anyone ever experienced this? I published fillament and laravel translation files already. Also published fillament views but could not find/replace the labels to test.
Maybe I need to override Laravel translations to Filament translations? Is that even possible to do and not break the project?

4 Replies
Did you change the fallback language in
Also published fillament views but could not find/replace the labels to test.Please don't do this.
Thank you for the response! Yes the fallback_locale has been changed.
'locale' => 'pt',
'fallback_locale' => 'pt',
And yes, sorry I did read an article about this. I shouldnt publish the views.Well there's your answer. Why do you set the fallback to the same language as the locale? Is is called fallback for a reason.
Sorry, still learning. Thank you for the help. I apeciate it.