Filament16mo ago

Select not "registering" choice, error saying it's required

Hi! I have made a livewire component that's returning a filament form! It's a Select that gets data from the database and fills it as its options. When I select an option and press submit, it insists that I must choose an option (even though I has chosen one). Here is its code.
public function checkInAction(): Action
Log::info('submitAction running');

return Action::make('checkInAction')
'class' => 'col-span-3',
->afterStateUpdated(function (?string $state, ?string $old) {
->options(function (): array {
// Query the database for the list of schedules
// I removed this part due to the discord char limit
// It returns an array with the proper data to fill the options
// It works and shows it on the front-end
->action(function ($data){
'member_id' => $this->code,
'activity_id' => $data['schedule'],
'trainer_id' => 1,
'room_id' => 1,
'day' => now()->format('N'),
'start_time' => now()->format('H:i:s'),
'end_time' => now()->addHour()->format('H:i:s'),
public function checkInAction(): Action
Log::info('submitAction running');

return Action::make('checkInAction')
'class' => 'col-span-3',
->afterStateUpdated(function (?string $state, ?string $old) {
->options(function (): array {
// Query the database for the list of schedules
// I removed this part due to the discord char limit
// It returns an array with the proper data to fill the options
// It works and shows it on the front-end
->action(function ($data){
'member_id' => $this->code,
'activity_id' => $data['schedule'],
'trainer_id' => 1,
'room_id' => 1,
'day' => now()->format('N'),
'start_time' => now()->format('H:i:s'),
'end_time' => now()->addHour()->format('H:i:s'),
No description
Switching the component from a Select to a CheckboxList seems to have fixed the problem
Jump to solution
9 Replies
Dennis Koch
Dennis Koch16mo ago
Can you show that validation error?
pegosOP16mo ago
The {field name} is required
No description
Dennis Koch
Dennis Koch16mo ago
Is this maybe because of your ddd() call?
ChesterS16mo ago
Hmm the code is correct. I'd double-check to make sure the options query is correct (check if the underlying <select> has correct value attributes), remove the afterStateUpdate stuff and see what reaches the action() call. Also, check the value that actually hits the validator I guess. But yeah, the code is correct - I tried the exact same setup and it works
public function checkInAction(): Action
return Action::make('checkInAction')
->label('Click me')
->options([1 => 'Foo', 2 => 'Bar', 3 => 'Baz']),
->action(function ($data) {
public function checkInAction(): Action
return Action::make('checkInAction')
->label('Click me')
->options([1 => 'Foo', 2 => 'Bar', 3 => 'Baz']),
->action(function ($data) {
pegosOP16mo ago
The ddd is there for debug purposes it didn't work even before adding it Hmm okay I'll give it a try and update you tomorrow I tried this and I'm getting the same error as before, If I remove the required and try to proceed it just dumps the "schedule" as null
pegos16mo ago
Switching the component from a Select to a CheckboxList seems to have fixed the problem
pegosOP16mo ago
It's not the ideal solution for me, as it makes no sense as to why Select does not work
ChesterS16mo ago
Ok this might be stupid but check if there are any other properties in your component that are affecting it. eg if you have a property called $messages, it might affect the validation messages. Anyway, good luck
Hussain4real16mo ago
the issue is with the date validation

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