Help with query, how to use parent value in where condition ?

Hey everyone, is there any way to pass a value from the parent, which is widgets in this example to a where condition in a left join ?
await db.query.widgets.findFirst({
where: eq(widgets.code, 'widget1'),
with: {
product: {
with: {
productFeedbacks: {
where: eq(schema.productFeedbacks.groupBrandCode, *WIDGETS.brandCode*),
await db.query.widgets.findFirst({
where: eq(widgets.code, 'widget1'),
with: {
product: {
with: {
productFeedbacks: {
where: eq(schema.productFeedbacks.groupBrandCode, *WIDGETS.brandCode*),
2 Replies
Angelelz16mo ago
I think you should be able to just do:
await db.query.widgets.findFirst({
where: eq(widgets.code, 'widget1'),
with: {
product: {
with: {
productFeedbacks: {
where: eq(schema.productFeedbacks.groupBrandCode, widgets.brandCode),
await db.query.widgets.findFirst({
where: eq(widgets.code, 'widget1'),
with: {
product: {
with: {
productFeedbacks: {
where: eq(schema.productFeedbacks.groupBrandCode, widgets.brandCode),
RodolpheGOP16mo ago
The query returns all the productFeedbacks for this product, but doesn't filter out the ones from an other groupBrand. It's like the where condition is not there
code: 'widget1',
groupBrandCode: 'groupBrand1',
product: {
code: 'product1',
productFeedbacks: [
groupBrandCode: 'groupBrand1',
productCode: 'product1',
order: 1,
value: 'value',
type: 'pro'
groupBrandCode: 'groupBrand2',
productCode: 'product1',
order: 2,
value: 'value2',
type: 'pro'
code: 'widget1',
groupBrandCode: 'groupBrand1',
product: {
code: 'product1',
productFeedbacks: [
groupBrandCode: 'groupBrand1',
productCode: 'product1',
order: 1,
value: 'value',
type: 'pro'
groupBrandCode: 'groupBrand2',
productCode: 'product1',
order: 2,
value: 'value2',
type: 'pro'
widgets.groupBrandCode seems to be the schema of the entity not it's value

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