Select required validations fails while it's set?
I have a wizard component, where the second step is dynamic based on a select from the first step,
Code that returns the fields:
9 Replies
And then this wizard code:
If i put the array of settings directly into the wizard step it works directly
bumb 2
I think I've seen this too where there steps are built into a form opposed to as part of ->steps() on an action or a form.
yeah it's really weird
like i get it not being auto filled
but it's weird it just don't send it together with the other data
Have you mounted a form fill?
I'm using filament panel, I didn't add it in additionely, but I kinda expected the panels package to do that?
If it's in the panel and this is part of a resource it should fill yes
yeah so that's not working, propably becouse the fields aren't defined when fill is executed
which is fine, like i can go without the auto fill for certain feelds
but i do want them to work
That makes sense, so you would need to hydrate them in as Livewire only works on mount. So you can render all the fields? and hide them conditionally?
hmm, i guess that would work