Duplicate indexes when using `serial('').primaryKey()`
I have observed than whenever I use
in one of my tables, the primary key index gets duplicated.
This does not happen for tables where the primary key is not a serial (I have one where the primary key is a varchar and there's no index duplication).
Is this expected for any reason? Am I doing something wrong?2 Replies
I just came to the same question myself... after digging to understand the default indexes for composite primary key and checking on a 'normal' table.
Did you find any explaination?
The question I also have, which might help (or not):
Can we redefine the default indexes in the schema?
I checked the indexes for a junction table and instead of two separate indexes for each key, I am thinking of a multi index on the most important key and a simple index for the secondary one.
This way, I cover all use-cases and query using both key (hmm, many-to-many join for example) should benefits from the multi index.
I believe serial is just an alias for
bigint not null auto_increment unique
So that maybe the reason, it's creating a unique index for you