Button Down Collar and versatility

Hey folks! Possibly a stupid q, but is there any variance in versatility when it comes to how one wears a shirt with a button down collar? https://www.mrporter.com/en-gb/mens/product/portuguese-flannel/clothing/plain-shirts/lobo-cotton-corduory-shirt/1647597318957343 Alongside wearing it buttoned up, I’d quite like to wear this shirt open over a t, akin to a work shirt almost, but I’ve never been sure if that’s “fine” if there’s the BD element there? Any thoughts welcomed!
2 Replies
raisinpie16mo ago
very formal clothes shouldn't have button collars, but this is not a very formal shirt so it doesn't matter
CrispySmokyFrazzlesOP16mo ago
Sweet - thank you. Yeah I wouldn’t be wearing this in any formal set up - just casually!

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