Lazy loading global search

Is there a way to disable the lazy loading of the global search?
13 Replies
Dennis Koch
Dennis Koch8mo ago
What do you mean by lazy loading?!
Thijmen8mo ago
The global search is not visible on load and shows up after all the lazy widgets are loaded
Thijmen8mo ago
I don't remember it doing this in V2 so if it can be disabled that would be great
awcodes8mo ago
I think this is a side effect of livewire’s request batching. This is why it didn’t happen in v2. Unfortunately until Caleb releases the isolate feature he’s working on, I don’t think there’s much that can done about it.
Dennis Koch
Dennis Koch8mo ago
Why is the global search lazy at all?!
Thijmen8mo ago
I didnt understand that either
awcodes8mo ago
I believe the whole page Lw component is getting held up by the batching introduced from the widget. I could be wrong,
Thijmen8mo ago
So this behavior is not desired?
awcodes8mo ago
If you remove the widget, does it still happen?
Thijmen8mo ago
If i remove the widgets from the custom dashboard page like this:
public function getWidgets(): array
return [
// AnnouncementWidget::class,
// SoerDayscoreStats::class,
// IwsDayscoreStats::class,
// ZmxDayscoreStats::class,
public function getWidgets(): array
return [
// AnnouncementWidget::class,
// SoerDayscoreStats::class,
// IwsDayscoreStats::class,
// ZmxDayscoreStats::class,
It still is lazy loading It is faster ofcourse, but still noticeable
Thijmen7mo ago
Would this PR be of some kind of help?