Usage of _lock_ tables with ConfiguredGraphFactory vs. JanusGraphFactory

Hi everybody, we are noticing weird behavior of JanusGraph regarding the tables edgestore_lock_ and graphindex_lock_. We are operating two JanusGraph clusters which use the same schema, both running on ScyllaDB. While one instance is managed by JanusGraphFactory, we have configured multiple graphs in the other instance using ConfiguredGraphFactory. Recently, we noticed an unexpected storage usage caused by the table edgestore_lock_, so we started comparing the utilization of these tables for both scenarios:
Factory | JanusGraphFactory | ConfiguredGraphFactory (example keyspace)
edgestore | 2.20 TiB | 116.78 GiB
edgestore_lock_ | 1.57 MiB | 13.14 GiB
graphindex | 1010.49 GiB | 119.94 GiB
graphindex_lock_ | 1.15 MiB | 0 B
Factory | JanusGraphFactory | ConfiguredGraphFactory (example keyspace)
edgestore | 2.20 TiB | 116.78 GiB
edgestore_lock_ | 1.57 MiB | 13.14 GiB
graphindex | 1010.49 GiB | 119.94 GiB
graphindex_lock_ | 1.15 MiB | 0 B
As you can see, in the JanusGraphFactory case, both _lock_ tables are hardly used. That is exactly what we expect, since we are not using any uniqueness constraints and only use MULTI edges. As of our understanding, that should cause JanusGraph to not require locks. In the ConfiguredGraphFactory case, however, the edgestore_lock_ table seems to be heavily utilized, while graphindex_lock_ does not contain a single byte of data. As stated above, that feels weird, because both cases are using the same schema. Does anybody have a deeper understanding of JanusGraph's usage of _lock_ tables? Sadly, there's little to no documentation on that topic. Is there a way to disable lock usage for ConfiguredGraphFactory?
The lock is acquired by StandardJanusGraph when vp[~T$VertexExists->true] is deleted. This only affects deletions because on additions, the vertex is always "new"
JanusGraph: an open-source, distributed graph database - JanusGraph/janusgraph
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9 Replies
Bo16mo ago
You should be able to decode the _lock_ table. IIRC every row records a timestamp from which you could see when it was written. I don't know why ConfiguredGraphFactory case has so much more usage. One possibility comes from the difference in schema. ConfiguredGraphFactory uses a trick to store configs - it records each config option as a vertex property. Lock usage is always on for schema changes.
rngcntrOP16mo ago
Hi @Boxuan Li , thanks for your response! Indeed, we were able to decode the timestamps from the _lock_ table and noticed that the few JanusGraphFactory's locks date back to a short period back in 2020. Most probably, we ran some configuration experiments back then. This only confirms that JanusGraphFactory doesn't use locks. For ConfiguredGraphFactory, the locks are much more recent and span longer time intervals. During our research, we figured out there's another difference between both databases: In the ConfiguredGraphFactory case, we regularly drop vertices which we don't do with JanusGraphFactory. I wonder if locking is somehow only employed when data is deleted. However, I can't find any indications in the JanusGraph code revealing a difference in the handling of additions and deletions within a transaction.
Bo16mo ago
Do you have ConsistencyModifier.LOCK for any label or index? If you decode the KeyColumn from the lock table, you could tell what exactly is being locked
rngcntrOP16mo ago
Checking the schema was one of the first things we did. ConsistencyModifier.LOCK is not used. But we have another discovery to share: ScyllaDB gives us the ability to inspect read and write accesses on a table level using nodetool tablestats. Using these insights, we were able to observe that edgestore_lock_ is only touched — be it read or write accesses — when we use drop() queries. Everything else passes without the _lock_ table being accessed. The traversal is as minimal as it can be, leaving no options but the deletion to cause the lock usage: g.V(vertexId).drop().none().iterate().
rngcntr16mo ago
The lock is acquired by StandardJanusGraph when vp[~T$VertexExists->true] is deleted. This only affects deletions because on additions, the vertex is always "new"
JanusGraph: an open-source, distributed graph database - JanusGraph/janusgraph
rngcntrOP16mo ago
It all leads us back to ConsistencyModifier.LOCK, as you suggested. T$VertexExists has ConsistencyModifier.LOCK because it is a builtin type.
Bo16mo ago
make sense, I vaguely remember deletion requires locks but couldn't find the code yesterday I don't know if that makes sense or not, but that's the status quo btw just curious: do you see a lot of stale locks that should have been purged?
rngcntrOP16mo ago
Sorry for the late response, I didn't see your comment. Yes, most of the locks were stale and had been months old. How did you come up with the question? Did you expect that to be the case?
Bo16mo ago
Sort of. I vaguely remember I saw the stale lock issue in production once a few years ago, but I never really dug into this.

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