Planka - Bad Gateway
It starts properly but I get this error when I visit either through port or URL.
My linux is Arm64. Can someone please help?
24 Replies
oh no.......
stupid planka
in order for planka to work
you have to access it through the ip address in your settings
not any random ip
because they are stupid
I will try it a sec...
I use Tailscale to access other apps through IP:Port
but doesnt work here
whats the ip configured in your settings
Tipi settings?

also DNS Ip isnt the issue here
so through 10.10....
Nope, just to be clear, I have Tipi on a vps, and I access the apps remote
can you chnage the internal ip (in tipi settings) to your tailscale one?
Ohh... I will try
Nope... no luck
Through IP wont even get a Bad Gateway

Though still can access all other apps XD
Unknown User•16mo ago
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It died again lmao
Thanks for finding the issue!
Unknown User•9mo ago
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Is it still an issue? Maybe planka released a breaking change under a minor tag
I'll have a look
Planka had problems from the moment it was added to the app store
Due to the base url stuff they do I mean it worked but not correctly
Maybe we should deprecate it
Planka version

I had given up on this, but the recent updates have fixed, and I started using Planka since last week. Works nicely!
Glad to hear, I couldn't make it work myself even by tweaking the configs as much as I could