What is missing if you don't use panel builder?

Just to understand this philosophically, if you were to build a custom Laravel app/site using most or all of the Filament classes/concepts - i.e. Form builder, Table builder, Notifications, Actions, Infolists, and widgets... Basically everything but the panel builder itself, what would be left/missing? My guess is that you'd need to roll your own navbar, login/registration, sidebar, CSS page layout etc. Also, you'd need to manage your own routes/auth. Would you also need to provide your own styling for everything, or does table/form builder etc. still use the Filament styling? And would I also be right in thinking that Filament plugins wouldn't work either (as they're depending on a panel to be there)? Would it still be possible to implement global search also? Any feedback as to how accurate these assumptions are would be appreciated, and also if I've missed anything off the "wouldn't be included/possible without a panel" list. I'm asking this as a client has a particular use case where they want a heavily customised/branded layout (inline with some of their other systems) but I still see lots of use for the core concepts of Filament for this project. Many thanks.
The panels package is just a wrapper around all the other packages. So, yes you can use any of the packages without panels. Yes, the packages still use filaments styles, but you have to include/build them yourself. Some plugins will work, some won’t. It depends on if the author made them compatible with the stand-alone packages or not....
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2 Replies
awcodes17mo ago
The panels package is just a wrapper around all the other packages. So, yes you can use any of the packages without panels. Yes, the packages still use filaments styles, but you have to include/build them yourself. Some plugins will work, some won’t. It depends on if the author made them compatible with the stand-alone packages or not. And yes, without panels, you are responsible for all layouts, etc for your app. Everything the panels do can be done, ie global search, but you have to role your own. All, the saving updating etc will also have to be implemented by you too.
benshawukOP17mo ago
Great, that all makes sense. Many thanks for the helpful response.

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