Railwayβ€’8mo ago

New environment with Mongo Service not populateing variables

Hi πŸ‘‹ I am currently working on a project using MongoDB. Everything works fine on my production env. But when I create a new env, I get not variables populated in my MongoDB service, thus I cannot connect my new env to it 😒
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7 Replies
Percyβ€’8mo ago
Project ID: 5a94bac1-141c-4934-9b5a-61018753c1e2
Raigatoβ€’8mo ago
rootβ€’8mo ago
Hmm, I was experiencing this too with Postgres. Try clicking on the three-dots menu and importing them from production, for now.
rootβ€’8mo ago
The main really annoying thing with this is that PR environments don't "just work", since I have to manually go in and add the variable to each environment.
Brodyβ€’8mo ago
yeah i agree, not a super smooth experience
rootβ€’8mo ago
Railway Community
Automatically add environment variables to new environments - Railw...
Context: Discord thread Right now, when you create a new environment or when a PR environment is created, you have to manually add all of your services' (including your databases') environment variables. This makes it so that PR environments very much do not just work (tm)...