Dynamic routing with static site generation (S3)
I have a route currently that has a dynamic path param
- auth
- index.vue
- [client].vue
However, with the deployment
and an S3 Deployment, I can't access the dynamic path parameter page, any clue on what I could do? It's dynamic for a reason so I can't predefine it4 Replies
Unknown User•16mo ago
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I’ll give that a shot :)
That seems to generate server files, I want to deploy a static site :)
hello @Gobbo have you found a solution to this? i also have this problem
yeah, I had to specify a "hook"
hooks: {
async 'nitro:config'(nitroConfig) {
// fetch the routes from our function above
const slugs = await getClients();
// add the routes to the nitro config
if (!nitroConfig) return
essentially getClients are my slugs I know will exist and then I had to specifically tell the prerenderer, however this doesn't really m ake it dynamic so it's not a great solution, but I believe it was an AWS issue rather than a nuxt issue as locally I think it let me route to anything I wanted