Filament17mo ago

Testing using acting as with superadmin.

Hi, i'm using PEST to test some parts of my panel, and I want to make a test to assert that some html is visible. The problem is when i'm trying to use a new user, with super_admin role, but when the page render, it trows 403 forbidden. Here the test:
it('Has contextual menu', function () {
$project = \Maat\Projects\Models\Project::factory()->create();

$user = User::factory()->create();

$response = $this->actingAs($user)->get(\Maat\Projects\Resources\ProjectResource::getUrl('view', [
'record' => $project->name

$response->assertSee('<span class="fi-sidebar-item-label flex-1 truncate text-primary-600 dark:text-primary-400 font-semibold">Info</span>');
it('Has contextual menu', function () {
$project = \Maat\Projects\Models\Project::factory()->create();

$user = User::factory()->create();

$response = $this->actingAs($user)->get(\Maat\Projects\Resources\ProjectResource::getUrl('view', [
'record' => $project->name

$response->assertSee('<span class="fi-sidebar-item-label flex-1 truncate text-primary-600 dark:text-primary-400 font-semibold">Info</span>');
4 Replies
jals65OP17mo ago
I see in bbdd that the user is created correctly, all perms are created correctly, the super_admin has all permisions assigned, and the user has the super_admin role assigned.
LeandroFerreira17mo ago
change the APP_ENV value to local in the phpunit.xml file and try again
jals65OP17mo ago
thanks, that is the problem. that was causing the 403

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