how to do the opposite of inArray()?

i'm getting all collections (music single, ep, or album) that contain a certain tag. currently i'm doing this:
const chosenTagCollectionIDs = tagMap.get(tag);

const collections = await getCollections({
where: inArray(, chosenTagCollectionIDs),
sort: true
const chosenTagCollectionIDs = tagMap.get(tag);

const collections = await getCollections({
where: inArray(, chosenTagCollectionIDs),
sort: true
where chosenTagCollectionIDs is a list of collection ids that have the tag i'm looking for. collectionsTable.tags is a list of tags. can i somehow use inArray() to check if the collectionsTable.tags array contains tag?
5 Replies
paaradisoOP•17mo ago
and this is what getCollections() looks like:
export async function getCollections({ skip = 0, limit = 0, sort = true, where } = {}) {
const collections = await db
releaseDate: sql`to_char(release_date, 'YYYY-MM-DD')`
? [asc(sql`lower(${collectionsTable.artist})`), asc(sql`lower(${})`)]
: [])
return collections;
export async function getCollections({ skip = 0, limit = 0, sort = true, where } = {}) {
const collections = await db
releaseDate: sql`to_char(release_date, 'YYYY-MM-DD')`
? [asc(sql`lower(${collectionsTable.artist})`), asc(sql`lower(${})`)]
: [])
return collections;
Luxaritas•17mo ago
How are you storing tags?
paaradisoOP•17mo ago
just an array
export const collectionsTable = pgTable('collections', {
id: integer('id').primaryKey(),
name: text('name'),
type: collectionTypeEnum('type'),
cover: text('cover'),
artist: text('artist'),
tags: text('tags')
.references(() =>
releaseDate: date('release_date'),
addedBy: text('added_by')
export const collectionsTable = pgTable('collections', {
id: integer('id').primaryKey(),
name: text('name'),
type: collectionTypeEnum('type'),
cover: text('cover'),
artist: text('artist'),
tags: text('tags')
.references(() =>
releaseDate: date('release_date'),
addedBy: text('added_by')
Luxaritas•17mo ago
I'm not a postgres user, but from what I can tell you'd need the ANY function, which drizzle doesn't have built-in. So the condition would be something like
eq(tag, sql`ANY(${collectionsTable.tags})`)
eq(tag, sql`ANY(${collectionsTable.tags})`)
paaradisoOP•16mo ago
that works, thanks 🙂

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