How to use the file-upload blade component in custom view.

I'm trying to implement the filament file-upload field into a custom view that I have. The documentation gives examples for inputs, selects, checkboxes, etc. But it doesn't show anything about a file upload. I tried retrieving the component in the same way that the others from the documentation were retrieved, but it didn't work. Thoughts?
4 Replies
toeknee17mo ago
What are you trying to do? Why are you not using it as part of the form with a standard File Upload?
eliaszobodyOP17mo ago
Well the page doesn't have a form. Basically my app manages sports leagues, and this page is for the coaches of each team to log in to. But the only two things that the coaches can do are upload a team or make a post that will display on the team's public page for the players to view. So I don't want an entire form.
toeknee17mo ago
So just add the form and add the upload field with a simple submit...
eliaszobodyOP17mo ago
I'll give that a go.

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