Filling a form temporary

Please is it possible for users information to be saved temporary when filling a form before submitting I have this appraisal form that an individual user will fill and then when he saved it it will be visible at the admin panel I want the user to temporarily saved his form and then can come back and fill it and then submit it
3 Replies
i really can't play that
Drafts by Guava - Filament
This plugin adds the ability to manage your model's drafts and revisions in your filament resources.
IndomieRendang17mo ago
I think simply add 'status' to the form, make it 'draft' or whatever you want by default, then admin can change the status later to be 'confirmed' or smth else
wyChoong17mo ago
maybe just add a status column to your table, then add a 'Save as Draft' action to save the form with status=draft, and mutate the form data on save to set status=submitted. and finally filter out draft records in admin panel

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