Trim each input
Hi all. Please tell me how best to implement the functionality for removing spaces at the beginning and end of a line for each input? It seems labor-intensive to me to write hooks everywhere. Middleware TrimStrings does not work.
5 Replies
mutateDataBeforeSave? Then loop the $data array with a trim?
This is indeed working, and probably the best solution. I find it strange this is not the default behaviour in Filament, as it is the default behaviour in Laravel (
For anyone having the same issue, this is how I implemented it (thanks to the suggestion of @toeknee):
But I have to repeat this in every Edit page.
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Just configure the Field class globally. And use ->dehydrateStateUsing() to do the trimming. Then any field that extends Field will be trimmed.
Added this to AppServiceProvider:
Works perfectly. Thanks for the hint @awcodes !