`drizzle-kit --custom` is not giving me a blank migration file

I'm doing the following:
drizzle-kit generate:pg --custom
drizzle-kit generate:pg --custom
But it's not giving me a blank migration sql file. It's just doing nothing:
drizzle-kit: v0.19.13
drizzle-orm: v0.28.6

No config path provided, using default 'drizzle.config.ts'
Reading config file '/Users/...proj-path.../drizzle.config.ts'
4 tables
accounts 14 columns 2 indexes 1 fks
institutions 7 columns 3 indexes 0 fks
merchants 5 columns 3 indexes 0 fks
transactions 17 columns 1 indexes 2 fks

No schema changes, nothing to migrate :sleeping:
drizzle-kit: v0.19.13
drizzle-orm: v0.28.6

No config path provided, using default 'drizzle.config.ts'
Reading config file '/Users/...proj-path.../drizzle.config.ts'
4 tables
accounts 14 columns 2 indexes 1 fks
institutions 7 columns 3 indexes 0 fks
merchants 5 columns 3 indexes 0 fks
transactions 17 columns 1 indexes 2 fks

No schema changes, nothing to migrate :sleeping:
Am I misunderstanding what --custom is supposed to do? Is this a bug I should report? What am I doing wrong?
3 Replies
MAST17mo ago
From my understanding --custom is when you want to write a custom migration file without drizzle-kit generating anything.
Angelelz17mo ago
--custom should create a blank *.sql file in your migration folder. If it's not doing that, ti might be a bug
arxpoeticaOP16mo ago
Yeah, it's not doing it, though I haven't tried since the 4th. I'll check it out and if it's still doing it, report it

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