How to create this border.

I’m creating a website using plain html and css and I’ve been unable to find a guide for how to create a stylized border.
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14 Replies
missymae17mo ago
using a background image for the page I think would be easy. Trying to use border-image css would be harder. Or use an outline with a negative value to put it inside the blue box, then add images for each of the corner and bottom graphics, and adjust the padding and margin...
stoneyOP17mo ago
So it has multiple styles including the second border breaking the first one at the bottom i would like to also make it responsive what method do you think would work best for this requirements ?
vince17mo ago
Use a border-image for the container, and then make a container for the "made for the odin project by ..." and add another border-image for that
capt_uhu17mo ago
yep, this is definitely a case for border-image. background-image would lead to stretched/scrunched corners depending on width and height changes. for the box "breaking" the bottom border you'll just have to throw that blue background color on that small centered element.
Jay17mo ago
I would like to chime in... I would put in a border..then. Use div's in the corners that hold the images, change background color to the same as page backround which would cut the border...then you could change your images whenever without breaking your code...cheers
capt_uhu17mo ago
it's not uncommon to see it done that way but it's usually best to avoid just adding a bunch of presentational divs if possible. I'm not really sure what the reference to "breaking your code" refers to.
vince17mo ago
No that's why they asked you to clarify. Please keep it civil
capt_uhu17mo ago
the reason that it's not generally good practice to include presentational divs is that it breaks the webs fundamental concept of separation of content and style. It's also not great for folks that use screen readers to have non-semantic HTML to wait through. on the "breaking your code" bit: Is your suggestion that the border-image CSS property is fundamentally broken? Does it not work the way you expect it to? Is the issue that it's not included in CSS frameworks so has to be written by hand?
stoneyOP17mo ago
Hey guys so I’ve been able to achieve this so far
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stoneyOP17mo ago
I would like the content to remain in one page and not overflow is there a way to tie everything to the border so when resizing I can just resize the border I used border image I used the main attribute and would recomend the same rather than using a div
stoneyOP17mo ago
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stoneyOP17mo ago
After a bit of tweaking Still wondering if anyone knows how to pair the two borders
capt_uhu17mo ago
here's a quick demo to show a way of thinking about it:
stoneyOP17mo ago
Thank you i was able to finish the website your css really helped

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