how to add a class to the RichEditor

How to add a class to the RichEditor tag <p> example
<p class="one">asdfadf<p>
<p class="one">asdfadf<p>
And if possible, be able to choose which class to apply
3 Replies
SmurfetkaOP17mo ago
I did this in tinymceI did this in tinymce
selector: 'textarea#content',
theme_advanced_buttons1: "styleselect,image",
content_css: "{{ asset("css/style.css") }}",
style_formats: [
title: 'My Foo styles'
}, {
title: 'big_text',
block: 'p',
classes: 'text-base md:text-2xl font-normal text-gray-500 mb-5',
exact: true
title: 'normal_text',
block: 'p',
classes: 'text-base md:text-lg font-normal text-gray-500 mb-5',
exact: true
title: 'h2',
block: 'h2',
classes: 'leading-tight text-2xl md:text-4xl font-bold mb-4 md:mb-5 dark:text-white',
exact: true
plugins: 'image',
toolbar: ' undo redo | bold italic underline strikethrough | styles |alignleft aligncenter alignright alignjustify | bullist numlist outdent indent | link image | removeformat',
// toolbar: 'styleselect | image | aria-haspopup | fontselect ',
images_upload_url: '{{ route('') }}', // Указываете URL для обработки загрузки изображений на сервере
automatic_uploads: true, // Автоматически загружать изображения после выбора
selector: 'textarea#content',
theme_advanced_buttons1: "styleselect,image",
content_css: "{{ asset("css/style.css") }}",
style_formats: [
title: 'My Foo styles'
}, {
title: 'big_text',
block: 'p',
classes: 'text-base md:text-2xl font-normal text-gray-500 mb-5',
exact: true
title: 'normal_text',
block: 'p',
classes: 'text-base md:text-lg font-normal text-gray-500 mb-5',
exact: true
title: 'h2',
block: 'h2',
classes: 'leading-tight text-2xl md:text-4xl font-bold mb-4 md:mb-5 dark:text-white',
exact: true
plugins: 'image',
toolbar: ' undo redo | bold italic underline strikethrough | styles |alignleft aligncenter alignright alignjustify | bullist numlist outdent indent | link image | removeformat',
// toolbar: 'styleselect | image | aria-haspopup | fontselect ',
images_upload_url: '{{ route('') }}', // Указываете URL для обработки загрузки изображений на сервере
automatic_uploads: true, // Автоматически загружать изображения после выбора
And here I can’t even find where to do all this
No description
awcodes17mo ago
The underlying editor for RichEditor doesn’t allow it. You’d be better off using one of the other editor plugins if you require that functionality. There’s even some for tinymce if that’s what you’re used to.
SmurfetkaOP17mo ago

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