Filamentβ€’9mo ago

Two columns form

Hello, I'm studying Filament, and I would like to create a form for article creation divided into two columns (like WordPress, but more beautiful πŸ™‚ ). I can't figure out how to split the form into two. I understand how to create multiple columns for the fields, but I haven't figured out how to separate them. See the screenshot , is PoC for another project
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6 Replies
awcodesβ€’9mo ago
Have a look at the code for the demo. It has sidebars.
Soundmitβ€’9mo ago
thank you! Find it in the product creation
awcodesβ€’9mo ago
Now that you know how to do it natively there’s a FixedWidthSidebar component here https://github.com/awcodes/filament-extras if you want a plug and play layout.
GitHub - awcodes/filament-extras
Contribute to awcodes/filament-extras development by creating an account on GitHub.
Soundmitβ€’9mo ago
i'm trying to install extras with composer require awcodes/filament-extras but i get this error

Problem 1
- Root composer.json requires awcodes/filament-extras v1.1.1 -> satisfiable by awcodes/filament-extras[v1.1.1].
- awcodes/filament-extras v1.1.1 requires filament/filament ^2.0 -> found filament/filament[v2.5.3, ..., v2.17.55] but it conflicts with your root composer.json require (^3.0-stable).

Problem 1
- Root composer.json requires awcodes/filament-extras v1.1.1 -> satisfiable by awcodes/filament-extras[v1.1.1].
- awcodes/filament-extras v1.1.1 requires filament/filament ^2.0 -> found filament/filament[v2.5.3, ..., v2.17.55] but it conflicts with your root composer.json require (^3.0-stable).
awcodesβ€’9mo ago
ah, yea, that particular package isn't updated for v3. could still probably piece it together using the class as a reference to make a custom layout component for your app.
Soundmitβ€’9mo ago
ok, i will go with the filament way, but now i ha 15 days of vacancies πŸ™‚