Domain Management CNAME TXT Records
Currently have CNAME host www value pointed to railway app
Which works fine for but is dead end
What is recommended way adding (apex domain @) as well because if we add CNAME to apex domain @ TXT records won't resolve and it causes issues
I've seen a solution with nginx and ALIAS record, what is recommended? Many thanks
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you can use cloudflare to set a root level cname, keep proxying on, this way the root level is set to a single A type and cloudflare will proxy the requests to the cname
11 Replies
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You can use a cloudflare nameserver to add a cname to the root
who is your current nameservers.
if we add CNAME to apex domain @ TXT records won't resolve and it causes issuescan you provide an example of this, ive never had this be a problem
Using namecheap
Type Host Value
TXT @ google-site-verification
TXT is not resolved and can't be found
Only way TXT is resolved is using CNAME as www, it's pretty common issue
That brings another problems is the apex domain itself @ won't point to anything
So has to be resolved with redirects or ALIASes
Looking for what's simplest way of handling this, since most cloud infastructures have their own DNS management
do you currently have a root cname set?
Just tested with ALIAS and @ host is no longer under HTTPS browser throws certificate warning and once you pass warning it goes to railway error page "Nothing here... yet"
CNAME root is empty because TXT records won't resolve
seems more like an issue with how namecheap is doing things, or an issue the dns lookup tool you use
So tool is an issue? lol
Thanks for help, I'll look into custom nginx config
you can use cloudflare to set a root level cname, keep proxying on, this way the root level is set to a single A type and cloudflare will proxy the requests to the cname
Thanks I'll look into that as well