11 Replies
Enable multiverse support
where's that?
Dont exactly remember where
Probably somewhere in the multiplayer tab
there is this though

Yeah that
Try setting it to 0.5
And delete your old LODs
and how can i delete my old LODs?
Singleplayer LOD data is stored in:
- Overworld:
- Nether: .minecraft/saves/WORLD_NAME/DIM-1/data/lod
- End: .minecraft/saves/WORLD_NAME/DIM1/data/lod
- Custom Dimensions: .minecraft/saves/WORLD_NAME/DIMENSION_FOLDER/data/lod
Multiplayer LOD data is stored in:
- .minecraft/Distant_Horizons_server_data/SERVER_NAME/
Delete the multiplayer ones
wow this support system is very well thought out!