Filament17mo ago

Want to add model data as events in saade/filament-fullcalendar plugin

Hii.... I'm working in a project and i want to add model data as events in filament calendar plugin but I'm unable to find resources regarding it.I have been trying it for 3 days but unable to find a single resource. I really need to work on that please help me. Provide me resource it will help me a lot . #saade-fullcalendar #❓
9 Replies
toeknee17mo ago
There is no resource, since you can do it form within the calendar as per the calendars docs? You can build out your own resource and tables for it
akashOP17mo ago
I have already built tables and resources for it..... I'm just unable to find a way to connect it with calendar such that the data gets shown as events in calendar
toeknee17mo ago
Saade explains it in the calendar readme
toeknee17mo ago
GitHub - saade/filament-fullcalendar: The Most Popular JavaScript C...
The Most Popular JavaScript Calendar as a Filament Widget - GitHub - saade/filament-fullcalendar: The Most Popular JavaScript Calendar as a Filament Widget
akashOP17mo ago
Also i want to know.... what's the best site or any resource to learn filament more properly as its documentation is not enough and also there is no detailed information
toeknee17mo ago
Did you know Laravel before filament?
akashOP17mo ago
toeknee17mo ago
Then the docs should really be enough, we just harness Laravel's methods and functions. If you need anyhting you just look at the auto complete functions in your IDE LaravelDaily does have some videos too
akashOP17mo ago
Okay will follow that

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