Applying table filters with action instead of `` on each
Has anyone got a trait or something they use to prevent a table's filters from automatically being applied each time their corresponding form element is updated? I have a resource with multiple relations, meaning that queries for the list page take their time. Ideally one would apply all the filters in one go with an 'Apply' button or similar.
2 Replies
@Patrick Boivin created this gist to defer filters:
It's also something that is being discussed by the core team.
feature: Filter modal by danharrin · Pull Request #9259 · filamentp...
Changes have been thoroughly tested to not break existing functionality.
New functionality has been documented or existing documentation has been updated to reflect changes.
Visual changes are ex...
Just a note that this was for Filament v2. I haven't tried on v3, but I feel like the general idea should still work.