Pagination is not displayed
Please help to solve the problem, I do not understand what is the matter pagination is displayed only on mobile resolutions

21 Replies

Try to expand layout (page size) and it will appear
How do you do that?
Resize the window
As you expand... navigation will appear...
If it is a small layout, prev and next buttons are shown
small layout = small pagination
Big layout

Small layout

I have a laptop with a resolution of 1920 x 1080 fullhd and the pagination is not displayed, also tried on larger monitors also not displayed
Is there any way to set the size of the screens ?

your secon image has pagination, small layout
also not displayed for other resources I think there is some problem with dimensions
try to hide some columns..
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An interesting "investigation" we've performed based on one recent comment.
I was facing the same issue, doing composer dump-autoload fixed the issue
hello I'm having the same issue. upgraded to v3 and the pagination is not showing unless the window is resized to a mobile resolution. otherwise, the buttons are gone
doing composer dump-autoload didn´t work
Run ‘php artisan filament:upgrade’ this should be part of your post update command anyway.
running this didn´t do it, pagination is still missing
weird that it only works for mobile screens and not on desktop
I work with Lavember on the same Project. We fallowed every step on the documentation to upgrade to v3, we fixed all the deprecated functions and it worked perfectly, at some point the paging buttons just stopped showing up. We're using the latest version of filament now.
In order to fix that I had to do the fallowing kludge with JS:
Search the help thread. This has been discussed. You don’t need a js hack for this. Something is off in your app. Could be cached views, could be needing to rebuild your theme. Could even be that you have published views that are conflicting.
Could even be browser cache.
ok, thank you very much! Do you think it could also be because we were using laravel 9.5 after we upgraded filament to v3?
Yes. You need laravel 10 for filament v3. So your probably getting locked down to 3.0.8 when latest is 3.0.93
turns out it was something very silly... as you said it was views I publised that were conflicting... Problem solved...