tiptapeditor inside infolist
Hello friends, how can I put tiptapeditor inside an infolist schema? Because in a form it works well now in an infolist I can't, thank you

16 Replies
You can’t. It’s a form field and needs to be in a form.
ho ok, thanks Dennis
So, how do I do it with a custom view since it appears wrong when I view the editor?
I don't understand the question
When I preview it, it doesn't appear as I edited it in the form
How do you preview it?
in an unformatted way
Well, did you apply formatting?
when i edit
You probably want to wrap it in a
when i view

ho ok
Not sure whether
supports all the formatting thoughok I will see
Best to ask plugin specific question in the dedicated channel for that plugin. Which I think would be #tiptap