Acceptance testing practices? In-memory Postgres mock for high-speed acceptance testing?

Hi! I'm using Drizzle with SvelteKit and Vercel Postgres. I would like to do extensive acceptance test coverage. I want my tests to be: * very fast: Postgres speed is a drag when you have thousands of test cases; * very reliable: not prone to network hiccups, paywalls, etc; * isolated: the database should be recreated from scratch for every test case, so that state does not leak from test to test and from job to job. These requirements make using real Postres database in tests not feasible. I would like the test env (and the dev env too, for that matter!) use a fast in-memory equivalent of Postgres. What are my options? I can't believe that I'm the first one to have such requirements. PS I considered using a non-SQL database mock solution such as . This is feasible, but I lose Drizzle's type safety and fluency. I want to stay in Drizzle land.
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15 Replies
Angelelz17mo ago
You'll be surprise on how fast postgres on a quick docker image can be, specially for tests with not a lot of rows. I would suggest to take a look at the integration tests in the drizzle repo itself to see how they implemented it. It's very interesting IMO
Luxaritas17mo ago
I also recommend thinking about how to balance unit tests where drizzle is mocked vs integration tests where you actually touch a database
Angelelz17mo ago
lolmaus (Andrey Mikhaylov)
@Luxaritas @Angelelz Yes, mocking Drizzle in tests is exactly what I want. Do you know examples where it's already done? Any guidance on how specifically mock Drizzle while maintaining the typed DX?
pandareaper17mo ago
I use testcontainers to spin up a postgres db for each test suite, with some optimisations (e.g. turn off fsync) it starts up in <2 seconds We have hundreds of tests like this, best way to test DB queries IMO
rphlmr ⚡
rphlmr ⚡8mo ago
If someone is curious, I did a poc with PGLite for testing:
GitHub - rphlmr/drizzle-vitest-pg: How to use Drizzle & PGLite with...
How to use Drizzle & PGLite with Vitest. Contribute to rphlmr/drizzle-vitest-pg development by creating an account on GitHub.
hugo8mo ago
this is awesome! Do you think this approach could replace testcontainers?
rphlmr ⚡
rphlmr ⚡8mo ago
😬 I don't know what is it. Maybe some docker with pg? I am confident with PGLite, Drizzle team also run their tests with it PGLite also manages my web app IndexedDB. I use it everywhere
MarvinKR3mo ago
Never heard of PGLite before! I saw this repo ( using DexieJS + Hono + Drizzle & got curious to see if anyone in this Discord did use IndexedDB to build a sync engine! So I guess we need PGlite vs. what he did in his repo right?
GitHub - michaelshimeles/react-local-first-hono: React Local First ...
React Local First Application with Hono RPC Sync Engine - michaelshimeles/react-local-first-hono
rphlmr ⚡
rphlmr ⚡3mo ago
GitHub - rphlmr/drizzle-on-indexeddb: This is Drizzle ORM in your b...
This is Drizzle ORM in your browser, with PGLite. Contribute to rphlmr/drizzle-on-indexeddb development by creating an account on GitHub.
MarvinKR3mo ago
Yeah cloned that one! I have a NextJS setup, does it change much? I guess not if I use RQ hooks like the guy did in the repo I shared?
rphlmr ⚡
rphlmr ⚡3mo ago
Should be fine in a client component (for the indexeddb part). I guess you could have a server component that get the migration and forward it to the client component 👀
MarvinKR3mo ago
Haha you lost me in the second part 🤣
rphlmr ⚡
rphlmr ⚡3mo ago with nextjs you can’t do the same thing I did here ( importing a json like that is a Vite feature. But since a JSON is serializable, you should be able to use what is described in the nextjs doc. If I find some room in my schedule I could create a demo
drizzle-on-indexeddb/app/database/.client/db.ts at main · rphlmr/dr...
This is Drizzle ORM in your browser, with PGLite. Contribute to rphlmr/drizzle-on-indexeddb development by creating an account on GitHub.
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