items center in tailwinds
guys is there a reason why items-center ain't working on html or it need smt else
12 Replies
Have you inspected the element?
Is the display on that element set correctly? I don't know tailwind so idk if you're talking flex or grid
The property hasn't been removed so the issue is somewhere else
it's flex bro
can i show you the code?
Ideally show me in a pen. I don't know tailwind, I just want to inspect the elements
But it just seems you might not have it as
. I looked it up and that's the class you need to use with items-center
<div class="flex justify-center items-center">
here i wanted to center it and it did not work
Can you at least show an image of what you're looking at

Hmm, I'm not sure without being able to inspect it
i show you the inspect bro?
No, right click and inspect element, it shows you far more details about what is actually happening
it seems it can't go down
you probably need height 🙂
min-height: 100vh;
on the body