Filamentβ€’17mo ago

How to use an api in filament

I have been trying to do is to use an external api with filament to list, view and edit. What I have done is installing an api driver on my Laravel project and looked to integrate the api with my filament. I tried to do it with a normal resource but i have no luck in making it work, I have also looked in the custom tables, forms and view docs but no luck. I can't find the relevant docs to make it work. Is it possible to use an api with filament? note: i am rather new with external api's in Laravel and Filament.
20 Replies
Dennis Koch
Dennis Kochβ€’17mo ago
Some people use the Sushi package to connect to external APIs, but I guess it's limited to a degree
FelixOPβ€’17mo ago
yes, I all ready tried sushi to list the api, but it must do all the CRUD functions. And I haven't found any thing yet.πŸ˜•
ConnorHowellβ€’17mo ago
Nothing simple / plug & play exists for this; one method would be to use sushi then override handleRecordUpdate, handleRecordCreation and override the delete action's (or create a seperate one). A lot of the "magic" of Filament & Eloquent would be lost though, a more ideal solution would be to create some kind of sync service that syncs records between your own database and the API so you can interact with it properly.
FelixOPβ€’17mo ago
like using an job to update my local DB?
ConnorHowellβ€’17mo ago
Yeah essentially mirror the remote APIs structure in your own database, then when you want to handle edits/deletes you can dispatch jobs to a queue using an event listener to handle the API logic. This way Filament would work as though it was a regular model and you get instant updates while the API requests happen in the background Option 1 of overriding the creation/update methods for the forms & using sushi for the table would be the easiest but you'll end up probably getting more and more frustrated when things don't work as smoothly as it would with a regular eloquent model. Option 2 (the sync service route) would have the most seamless end user experience but be a fairly involved/advanced task for you
jersonmrβ€’17mo ago
You can follow this tutorial https://laraveldaily.com/post/filament-load-table-data-from-3rd-party-api Just as @Dennis Koch said are limited the features that you can use You can try to create a API Wrapper and put the data coming from the external resource to internal models
FelixOPβ€’17mo ago
thank you
Andrew Wallo
Andrew Walloβ€’17mo ago
@Felix What kind of API are you speaking of? I have integrated multiple API's in my application, but I suppose it can depend on what you mean... Is it a Restful API?
FelixOPβ€’17mo ago
I think it's an Restful API. it's using an OAuth 2 authentication
alexanderkroneisβ€’17mo ago
I'm not sure how you want to CRUD an external API? That doesn't sound like something that should work out-of-the-box πŸ˜…
FelixOPβ€’17mo ago
I know it is not easy, but it must be done one way or another.πŸ˜… and the api that i am using has more or less CRUD functions for all its data.
ConnorHowellβ€’17mo ago
Yeah it's possible you basically just need to write your own logic and can't use a lot of the nice features of filament
einnlleinhatt_β€’17mo ago
There is another api plugin in filament from husadana
FelixOPβ€’17mo ago
Can you send me the link?
einnlleinhatt_β€’17mo ago
It's in the filament plugin website
FelixOPβ€’17mo ago
I couldn't find it form husadana but did find some thing from Rupadana. are they the same ?
ConnorHowellβ€’17mo ago
That plugin is just for conveniently registering api routes for an existing resource. Not for using an api as a resource
FelixOPβ€’17mo ago
oke FYI, I am now doing the "make my own local DB based of the API and fill the DB via an Get and Post via an job" method not that it is the right solution
einnlleinhatt_β€’17mo ago
Ohh I see Oh yes rupadana, my bad
FelixOPβ€’17mo ago
no problem

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