Repeater pivot

Hi, I'm having a problem with the repeater. My problem: I've created a pivot table but I don't understand why it doesn't go into the pivot table but into the artist table, so it creates a new artist for me every time I add it, when my aim is for it to register only in my pivot table.
->getSearchResultsUsing(fn(string $search): array =>
Artist::where('name', 'like', "{$search}%")
->orWhere('first_name', 'like', "{$search}%")
->orWhere('zip_code', 'like', "{$search}%")
->select('id', 'name', 'first_name', 'zip_code')
->mapWithKeys(fn($artist) => [$artist->id => "{$artist->first_name} {$artist->name} - {$artist->zip_code}"])
->getOptionLabelUsing(function ($value): ?string {
$artist = Artist::find($value);
return "{$artist->first_name} {$artist->name} - {$artist->zip_code}";
->getSearchResultsUsing(fn(string $search): array =>
Artist::where('name', 'like', "{$search}%")
->orWhere('first_name', 'like', "{$search}%")
->orWhere('zip_code', 'like', "{$search}%")
->select('id', 'name', 'first_name', 'zip_code')
->mapWithKeys(fn($artist) => [$artist->id => "{$artist->first_name} {$artist->name} - {$artist->zip_code}"])
->getOptionLabelUsing(function ($value): ?string {
$artist = Artist::find($value);
return "{$artist->first_name} {$artist->name} - {$artist->zip_code}";
Did you create a hasMany relationship with the pivot class? Also, there are certain limitations with repeaters - you need a unique ID on the pivot table for them to work property.
Please ensure that your pivot model has a primary key column, like id, to allow Filament to keep track of which repeater items have been created, updated and deleted.
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4 Replies
Lara Zeus
Lara Zeusβ€’9mo ago
didnt test your code, but colud it be coz you have the same name artists in the Repeater and the select?
Becker Maxime
Becker Maximeβ€’9mo ago
I changed the name and the problem persists.
ChesterSβ€’9mo ago
Did you create a hasMany relationship with the pivot class? Also, there are certain limitations with repeaters - you need a unique ID on the pivot table for them to work property.
Please ensure that your pivot model has a primary key column, like id, to allow Filament to keep track of which repeater items have been created, updated and deleted.
Becker Maxime
Becker Maximeβ€’9mo ago
Thank you, you saved my life, I lost 4 hours, I could have lost much more. bisous πŸ™‚
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