Max excution timeouts

I tried a fresh Laravel install and did the first Getting Started steps. When I try to go to /admin/login I get a max execution timeout. Is anyone else getting this error? 30 seconds for a login screen seems excessive.
18 Replies
Dennis Koch
Dennis Koch9mo ago
It really is excessive. Do you have Xdebug or similar running? Does it only happen on Filament login?
rule0309mo ago
yeah the welcome message is super fast I have xdebug set only on user triggered
Dennis Koch
Dennis Koch9mo ago
Weird. Never encountered this.
rule0309mo ago
after the blade templates are compiled it is a bit faster but I needed to up the execution time to 120 seconds
Dennis Koch
Dennis Koch9mo ago
So it returns something after 100s? 🤔
rule0309mo ago
yeah I think it works because it has more time to do the blade compilation
rule0309mo ago
This is the message in the laravel.log
rule0309mo ago
I'm using Laravel Valet and PHP 8.1
Dennis Koch
Dennis Koch9mo ago
Can you try a simple Livewire component to check whether it's Filament or Livewire related?
rule0309mo ago
Sure! I've only worked with Inertia + Vue so I need some time
Dennis Koch
Dennis Koch9mo ago
artisan make:livewire should get you started.
rule0309mo ago
are there any PHP extensions need perhaps? a test livewire component also seems fast
rule0309mo ago
it sometimes loads part of the DOM if the max_execution_time is exceeded
No description
Dennis Koch
Dennis Koch9mo ago
Really weird.
rule0308mo ago
yeah I don't get it 😦 Filament looks really promising! I'm also not sure how to go about debugging this Turned out xDebug caused it to extremely slow down. Switching it off greatly increases the load time
Dennis Koch
Dennis Koch8mo ago
Something is really weird with your Xdebug. Especially since you mentioned, that you set it to run only on trigger 🤔
rule0308mo ago
yeah I doublechecked it but the settings were correct.. Maybe it has something to do with xDebug + m1 Mac + PHP 8.1?
Travis4mo ago
I'm getting a similar exception when dispatching a job on a resource create. It's meant to be a long-running task that's dispatched, but I'm working locally and using sync at the moment. I will try to use a different queue to see if that helps. In the meantime, if anyone can tell me what this 30 second timeout is or where one can change it, I would appreciate it.