RelationManager ->table ->attachAction

Hi everyone! I want to achive something like this: I have a RelationManager file with a table, in the table i have Tables\Actions\AttachAction::make()
After press Attach button how can i open another modal ? Also how can i save some data from this attach to some other table from db ? Is this even possible? Thanks in advance!
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3 Replies
Limba George
Limba GeorgeOP17mo ago
Dennis Koch
Dennis Koch17mo ago
After press Attach button how can i open another modal
I think there is a replaceAction() or similar. Not sure how it works though.
Also how can i save some data from this attach
You can overwrite the action() or the process() to adjust the behaviour.
Limba George
Limba GeorgeOP17mo ago
thanks for your answer, i`ll try

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