So whenever i go to the end with the mod better end and some many more , its all normal in the first end island where u gotta defeat the dragon, but when going trough the little protal to go +1000 blocks to search end cities all goes black, but i can still play, its weird, it says that it doesnt render color * blue * on the console
and then all black
47 Replies
Try to recreate it with DH only, if it doesnt happen anymore its most likely a mod compatibility issue
You could do a binary search and figure out if its another mod causing it.
So disable half of the mods, see if issue is still there, if yes disable half again etc etc until you find the mod that's causing the issue.
well is the betterend mod that causes the black screen
but i wanna play with it, but keeps getting black alwa ys with DH and betterend
it says that it cannot *render color blue *
betterend changes the texture of the sky , is there something to do?
Have you tried one of the nightly builds?
nightly builds?
The builds in #links
but what is that?
They are previews of upcoming versions
In this case, version 2.0
Adds transparency, SSAO, LOD noise
Bug fixes etc
ohh okok, i will try it
if it doesnt solves it want me to send u the lastest logs i got?
Thanks :>
But I wont be able to look right now since Im at work

well it worked, but all is glitchy and works only on fullscreen
u see like achivements, items and the fps on the corner they still there lick they duplicated
and the sky from the end doesnt appear
It seems like you're using a bunch of other mods
yeah 150+ more
but the problem is definetly a betterend and DH incompatiblity
when i use older versions of DH it says error in event_phase something else
Those achievements and your fps and coords counter is not caused by DH
Please confirm it
i did?
or what do u mean?
You said you are running 150+ mods so those achievements and the fps counter are probably not caused by DH
DH looking all pink is either too low quality LODs or some broken texture, is that place supposed to look pink?
thats not a problem, the main problem its with betterend mod incompatiility
yup, is a biome from betterend
You mean the missing sky right?
is weird
in the main island doesnt happen anything
but when i go further to the other islands there it crashes and puts a black screen
is like
i can still play but is all black
and suddenly it kicks me out of minecraft
the black screen thinghy and getting kicked out
Do you have an AMD or an Nvidia GPU?
the sky, coords, items and achivements it could be a secondary thing by now
intel graphics
but waitng for a gtx1500ti to arrive
And just to be clear, you are using the nightly build and have tried it with only better end and DH installed right?
yup, and still does the same with the other 150+ mods together
I'll see if I can recreate the issue
im using version 1.6.3 of better end
all for 1.1.5
Seems to work fine for me

there yes
but go to the biomes
furgther away
Still completely fine

thats weird
wich forge are u using
the automatic one?
and try it with optifine too
will try it
With optifine, both G6 and the latest one its an instant crash when I join
But it does show the sky for a single frame
Try replacing optifine with rubidium
look try
it keeps doing the black screen
is there something to adjust on the settings of DH to make it disappear?
I havent seen this issue before so I have no idea what it could be
When using Rubidium it works completely fine for me
Could you send your logs?
With only DH and BetterEnd installed
I, solved it touching random things on DH configuration inside minecraft 💀
But now
some chunks when i go inside all frezzes
kicks me out saying timed out
and the console frezzes too like i cannot do nothing i gotta force stop it by killing it
this chunks

are crashing and kicking me out
without giving me a crash report
i only have the logs
i even deleted them and removed mods that i put before
but nothing
still the same
It looks like something doesn’t like a block added by occultism.
You might need to delete those chunks using an external tool.
i did
and created a new world without that mod and still the same
keeps crashing on new chunks
Then it sounds like there is some other mod incompatibility.
I’d recommend removing mods until you can find the problematic mod(s) and going from there.