Filamentβ€’9mo ago

error 500 in some js and css after update to v3

I upgraded to v3, but some styles and js are not loading (error 500) do you know why it is? som epics about the error attached. Thanks for your help!!
17 Replies
Dennis Koch
Dennis Kochβ€’9mo ago
Did you publish the assets? artisan filament:assets?
iluisfrβ€’9mo ago
Thanks Den for your quick answer!! yes, same error. Here my artisan about:
Dennis Koch
Dennis Kochβ€’9mo ago
Check the folder public/css and public/js for the files
ingmontoyaβ€’9mo ago
Did you use the build command after upgrade?
iluisfrβ€’9mo ago
the files are there ~
No description
iluisfrβ€’9mo ago
what is the build command?
Dennis Koch
Dennis Kochβ€’9mo ago
Then check why your webserver throws 500 error for files that are there. Is this the actual data on your production server?
iluisfrβ€’9mo ago
yes, im connected via ssh
ingmontoyaβ€’9mo ago
Sorry, I faced the same issue, after made composer update then I ran sail artisan filament:upgrade after that I ran sail build using sail... that fixed the issue
Dennis Koch
Dennis Kochβ€’9mo ago
Tried visiting your site but it just throws an error: https://assets.capitalfriend.es/
iluisfrβ€’9mo ago
I have it in the admin route, https://assets.capitalfriend.es/public/admin I've never used the principal page yet I have probably skipped some step when updating to v3, I will try a little more, otherwise I will restore everything to version 2 again πŸ˜… thanks a lot for your help!!
Dennis Koch
Dennis Kochβ€’9mo ago
Your URL should never contain /public. Your webserver has a wrong setup
iluisfrβ€’9mo ago
Okie, I've removed the /public. Now its the same but in https://assets.capitalfriend.es/admin Now it is a 404 error, and some livewire cautions
Dennis Koch
Dennis Kochβ€’9mo ago
The file structure is the same?
iluisfrβ€’9mo ago
yep, its the same route, the files are still there in the indicated folders
Dennis Koch
Dennis Kochβ€’9mo ago
So the files are still in public/css/... And your servers DocumentRoot points to /public now?
iluisfrβ€’9mo ago
nope, it was pointing to httpdocs. I changed on my server, now its loading the views. Now I+ll continue debugging. Thanks a lot Dennis, you are the best πŸ’ͺ