inferring the column information from the imported schema

is there anyway to get the column information from the imported schema information. When I dump the schema I can see that there is [Symbol(drizzle:Columns] property but not sure how I'd access it. Does drizzle provide some sort of API for extracting this data?
5 Replies
Angelelz17mo ago
What is the use case? What do you want that for? is it for the types or the values?
basically i am using it to build the query from the query string and would like try and automate setting the allowed conditionals and includes, so I don't have to type it out for every query. This would also have the benefit of knowing which type to coerce it too without manually checking. dialogRoutes.ts
const allowedConditionals = [
{ id: 'verbId', schema: dialog.verbId },
{ id: 'tenseId', schema: dialog.tenseId },
{ id: 'levelId', schema: dialog.levelId },
{ id: 'typeId', schema: dialog.typeId }

const allowedIncludes = ['verb', 'tense']

router.get('/', async (req: Request, res: Response) => {

const conditionalClause = parseConditionals(req, allowedConditionals);
const withs = parseIncludes(req, allowedIncludes);

const dialogs = await db.query.dialog.findMany({
where: and(...conditionalClause),
with: withs

return res.json({
success: true,
data: dialogs
const allowedConditionals = [
{ id: 'verbId', schema: dialog.verbId },
{ id: 'tenseId', schema: dialog.tenseId },
{ id: 'levelId', schema: dialog.levelId },
{ id: 'typeId', schema: dialog.typeId }

const allowedIncludes = ['verb', 'tense']

router.get('/', async (req: Request, res: Response) => {

const conditionalClause = parseConditionals(req, allowedConditionals);
const withs = parseIncludes(req, allowedIncludes);

const dialogs = await db.query.dialog.findMany({
where: and(...conditionalClause),
with: withs

return res.json({
success: true,
data: dialogs
import {eq, SQL} from "drizzle-orm";
import {MySqlColumn} from "drizzle-orm/mysql-core";
import {Request} from "express";

export const parseConditionals = (req: Request, allowedConditionals: { id: string, schema: MySqlColumn}[]) : SQL[] => {
let conditionalClause: SQL[] = [];
allowedConditionals.forEach( conditional => {
if(req.query[]) {
conditionalClause.push( eq(conditional.schema, Number(req.query[]) ) )
return conditionalClause;
import {eq, SQL} from "drizzle-orm";
import {MySqlColumn} from "drizzle-orm/mysql-core";
import {Request} from "express";

export const parseConditionals = (req: Request, allowedConditionals: { id: string, schema: MySqlColumn}[]) : SQL[] => {
let conditionalClause: SQL[] = [];
allowedConditionals.forEach( conditional => {
if(req.query[]) {
conditionalClause.push( eq(conditional.schema, Number(req.query[]) ) )
return conditionalClause;
import {Request} from "express";

export const parseIncludes = (req: Request, allowedIncludes: string[]): {} => {
const parsedIncludes: string[] = req.query._includes ? String(req.query._includes).split(',') : []
const includes: string[] = parsedIncludes.filter( include => allowedIncludes.includes(include.toLowerCase()) )
const withs: any = {};
includes.forEach( (include : string) => {
withs[include] = true;
return withs;
import {Request} from "express";

export const parseIncludes = (req: Request, allowedIncludes: string[]): {} => {
const parsedIncludes: string[] = req.query._includes ? String(req.query._includes).split(',') : []
const includes: string[] = parsedIncludes.filter( include => allowedIncludes.includes(include.toLowerCase()) )
const withs: any = {};
includes.forEach( (include : string) => {
withs[include] = true;
return withs;
Angelelz17mo ago
getTableColumns might be what you're looking for:
Goodies - DrizzleORM
Drizzle ORM | %s
Angelelz17mo ago
You can also get the table information, it will give you back a lot more:
Goodies - DrizzleORM
Drizzle ORM | %s
perfect, thanks. Didn't spot that.

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