$container must not be accessed before initialization

What happen with this error? I'm trying to set TextInput "title" component at updated() method but this error is showed.
updated(Set $set) {
$set('title', $this->title)
updated(Set $set) {
$set('title', $this->title)
Complete error: Typed property Filament\Forms\Components\Component::$container must not be accessed before initialization I need to set title when any field is changed. I used to use afterStateUpdated()method but this not work in "live".
2 Replies
der andere
der andere11mo ago
Anyone found the solution? return $table ->modifyQueryUsing(function ($query) { $currentUserId = auth()->id(); $query->where(function ($query) use ($currentUserId) { $query->where('Sender', $currentUserId) ->orWhere('Empfänger', $currentUserId); }); }) ->columns([ Tables\Columns\TextColumn::make('Sender')->numeric()->sortable(), Tables\Columns\TextColumn::make('Nachricht')->numeric()->sortable(), ]) ->filters([ Filter::make('Empfänger') ->form(static function () { return [ ToggleButtons::make('Empfänger') ->label('Deine Chats') ->options(static function (Get $get) { $user = auth()->user(); return self::getLast6Chats($user, $get('searchText')); }) ->live() ->inline(), TextInput::make('searchText') ->label('Suche nach einem Chat') ->live() ->placeholder('Suche nach einem Benutzer...') ->name('searchText'), ]; }) ->query(static function (Get $get, $query) { $empfänger = $get('Empfänger'); $query->where(function ($query) use ($empfänger) { $query->where('Sender', $empfänger) ->orWhere('Empfänger', $empfänger); }); }), trying to use the Empfänger field to edit the query but i get the error
Dennis Koch
Dennis Koch11mo ago
Code formatting would help reading this (#✅┊rules)

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