Which current trends do y'all think will stand the test of time?

Which trends from the last few years do y'all think will stay as staples for a while longer?
64 Replies
mattw2829mo ago
Enlightened Centrism.
watercolor9mo ago
Pleated trousers (I hope)
xmdot9mo ago
what's the point of threads like this exactly?
Nayyyyy9mo ago
centrist chad straight fit
xmdot9mo ago
yeah it just feels like a roundabout way to shit on what's trending right now aka "baggy fit bad actually"
awburkey9mo ago
I personally hate these threads
rej9mo ago
I personally only dress in clothing that I know will stand the test of time. Timeless and classic styles will always be king derek
Nico9mo ago
I didnt even say anything on baggy clothes or shit on anything I'm just really curious as to what will stay and won't in a few years, figured it could be fun to have the opinions of everyone haha
Smiles9mo ago
trend prediction is a multi-million (maybe billion) dollar industry so these really just feel like rage-bait threads whether thats your intent or not lotta people think that being contrarian makes them better than others and these threads are just an avenue to do that
Nico9mo ago
fair enough I'll just delete it sorry
Smiles9mo ago
a more positive phrasing would help instead of "what trends do you think will be hated" just "what do you think will be the next big trend" basically acheives the same goal without giving people an avenue to complain about random trends they dislike, espicially since its almost always gonna be "x fit bad"
Nico9mo ago
yeah I feel ya I worded this pretty poorly
xmdot9mo ago
yeah no problem man it isn't a "you" thing, just tends to be how these things go
Nico9mo ago
my question would more be like what of the current trends could potentially stay Like, everytime there's a new "revolution" of fashion every ig 3 or 4 years, a few previously disregarded things stay as staple for a while longer if that makes any sense
xmdot9mo ago
ya it's interesting to look at what parts of the zeitgeist persevere or find their wawy back *way
Nayyyyy9mo ago
fools errand. garments come in/out of style. then if a specific garment doesn't, the fit of it changes over time see pants/t-shirts getting slim or baggier depending on the decade
Smiles9mo ago
the problem with trend discussion is it often just turns into people whining about the trends they dislike instead of actually having a conversation, and trends start localized and spread like we can tell you the big trends basically but theres not much to discuss, they just kinda are whats in trend
Nayyyyy9mo ago
macro & micro trends interact in a chaotic system. plus people often have myopic takes which amount to "i like popular thing, now or when i first got interested in fashion, everything else is doo doo"
Nico9mo ago
I find the whole world of trends so weird Ig that's a completely different discussion but, Sometimes I wonder where trends comes from. Sometimes it looks like it's a celebrity or a tiktok thing, but in the end alot of those times it's as if it is still very much controlled by the industry I find it fascinating
Smiles9mo ago
a lot just come from fashion subgroups in different fashionable cities, some come from designers, its mixed, also theres a single big trend prediction company that most designers use and they basically study runways and streetstyle accross the world to provide trend predictions to designers which ends up being a bit of chicken and the egg
aweogiahew9mo ago
What about color (palettes)? I don't get the feeling that's been as cyclical as fit.
Nico9mo ago
the color palette now or in 2020 or in 2018 or in 2016 were very much different tbh oh yeah that for sure
Nayyyyy9mo ago
until someone does a long period study of fashion on the internet / scans in a lot of historical fashion mags and does some machine learnning analyis... most we got is "oooh fashion cycles picture" or trend spotter bingo. see - https://textilefocus.com/a-brief-introduction-of-the-five-stage-fashion-cycle/ or https://www.masterclass.com/articles/fashion-trend-forecasting-guide. Which is just a fashion industry variant of market research tbh. But slightly more historical in-person observation in fashion cities. Rather than just big data analysis using social media or online sales. Which is what market research is nowadays
Nico9mo ago
this is really interesting tbh
Nayyyyy9mo ago
honestly people have used twitter for network analysis of how slang transfered from african american communities to then ususage in more white cities/middle class based on geo-location could add an image recognition with new LLM and do similar wouldn't be surprised if it's already happening in WWD or similar
Nico9mo ago
detaching yourself from the current trends is so difficult I kind of hate how easily I'm manipulated into finding the newest thing pretty (I don't necessarly buy it for myself, but still I just very much realize my taste in clothing gets influenced by what's currently cool) I remember me in 2017, I wasnt versed in the world of fashion AT ALL yet wouldnt have wanted to be seen dead with straight pants yet now it's the opposite for the goofy skinny jeans I was wearing back then
Smiles9mo ago
you cannot detach from trends
Nayyyyy9mo ago
we live in a society bottom text
Smiles9mo ago
choosing to not wear something to be contrarian is still making a choice because of trends
Nico9mo ago
yep I very much realize that too
Nayyyyy9mo ago
i get maniupulated by social norms to not go naked in public and it really effects my self worth
Smiles9mo ago
also i just find it fun to chase trends its fun to have variation and choice
Nico9mo ago
Nayyyyy9mo ago
plus fearing about future you being embarrased itself is embarrising
Smiles9mo ago
its more correct to say future you will be embarrassed about something you cannot prevent this
Nayyyyy9mo ago
like that's how to be very boring and risk adverse to the nth degree
Smiles9mo ago
so why try
Nayyyyy9mo ago
have a bit of whimsy
Smiles9mo ago
have fun now
Nico9mo ago
the funny thing is that even like tailor standards changed for suits
Smiles9mo ago
i mean tailoring still has trends it just moves slower
Nico9mo ago
Smiles9mo ago
hell arguably the biggest trend in tailoring is "don't wear tailoring", white tie is obsolete except for like a few events in the UK, morning dress is completely obsolete, black tie is nearing death also tailoring is super western centric since the style originated in the west and spread due to colonization
Nico9mo ago
what I try to do now is to have some basics with a non-risky cut and then a few "cool" pieces here and there a pair of levis or a white shirt won't ever be out of trend
Smiles9mo ago
but like why and yes a pair of levis will be out of trend hell even a white tee might be
Nico9mo ago
have they ever been in the last 30 years?
Smiles9mo ago
yes litterally rn 511s off-trend 10 years ago 550s were off trend now they are on trend 501s wouldn't have been reccommended in 2014
Nico9mo ago
fuck you're kind of right 😂
Smiles9mo ago
like Nay said above the cuts change like jeans have been pretty popular since like the 1950s but the cuts have changed a lot
aweogiahew9mo ago
Min max properly by tailoring your own jeans?
punchouli9mo ago
full foot of fabric left inside to take out when big ass jeans are back in
Smiles9mo ago
there is no garment that is truely timeless, like the white tee is probably the closest and the cuts have still changed, how cropped it is how tight it is, crew neck vs v neck,
Nayyyyy9mo ago
sidenote - that's a lot of animal based pfps
Nico9mo ago
honestly button up shirts could always work couldnt they
punchouli9mo ago
waterfowl domination
Nico9mo ago
tucked in or not, open as an overshirt... a bunch of options
Smiles9mo ago
slim fit? relaxed? "classic"? what type of collar? what type of fabric? and obviously style dpeendant
punchouli9mo ago
this will be the sacramento dress code in 3 years
No description
Nico9mo ago
frfr those boots are kinda cool though ngl bahaha yeahh
awburkey9mo ago
You might enjoy “Status and Culture” by W David Marx
Nico9mo ago
thanks 😄 I'll check it out Seems pretty interesting, just googled it