Fontawesome Icon Not showing
I tried using a different icon while having the latest version of fontawesome but nothing works

19 Replies
this is the icon that is being showed instead of the one that i want
I'm not familiar with it myself, but 99/100 fontawesome issues I've seen on here is people using paid icons with the free version
no it shouldnt be it cuz some hours ago they were showing + all of my icons are like this
share your code then, especially how you're including FontAwesome and your icons

i didnt change anything while they were working and when i checked now they appear like this square thing
are you getting any HTTP errors in the network tab of the devtools when you do a cacheless refresh?
or any errors at all on the fontawesome URL?
no, everything works great
you'll have to share a live example then
what should i show?
the problem, that's really it. If you have this hosted somewhere, that's fine, otherwise you'll have to either put it up on github pages, codepen, stackblitz. The ideal way to share code for dev help is with a minimal example, so nothing more than what you need to reproduce the problem
my whole code is this

right, so I can't run that
I can't even click the link to the cloudflare CDN to see if the css loads, and I'm not going to type that out myself. Please check out #how-to-ask-good-questions
Create a codepen with it in,
An online code editor, learning environment, and community for front-end web development using HTML, CSS and JavaScript code snippets, projects, and web applications.
The reason we ask people to create codepens and share live versions isn't because we're being difficult, but the more effort you put into helping others help you, the more likely you are to get an answer. Also, a lot of the time, making the minimal example you need will solve your issue for you, and you learn a ton doing it
but anyway, your class should be
fa-brands fa-accessible-icon
, not fa-a fa-accessible-icon
you have
and that font-family declaration overwrites the one from fontAwesome 🙂
omg i fixed it thank you so much!
btw how do i close the questions i have asked?