Repeater MorphToMany

Hi everyone! I'm having a rough time with managing a MorphToMany relationship with a repeater. I'm currently managing permissions, roles and users. Model/Permission.php
public function roles(): MorphToMany
return $this->morphedByMany(Role::class, 'grantable');

public function users(): MorphToMany
return $this->morphedByMany(User::class, 'grantable');
public function roles(): MorphToMany
return $this->morphedByMany(Role::class, 'grantable');

public function users(): MorphToMany
return $this->morphedByMany(User::class, 'grantable');
public function permissions(): MorphToMany
return $this->morphToMany(Permission::class, 'grantable');
public function permissions(): MorphToMany
return $this->morphToMany(Permission::class, 'grantable');
public function permissions(): MorphToMany
return $this->morphToMany(Permission::class, 'grantable');
public function permissions(): MorphToMany
return $this->morphToMany(Permission::class, 'grantable');
Logic works fine, except the Repeater. I followed this documentation: and created the pivot class:
class Grantable extends Pivot
use HasFactory;

protected $table = 'grantables';

public function permission(): BelongsTo
return $this->belongsTo(Permission::class);

public function role(): BelongsTo
return $this->belongsTo(Role::class);
class Grantable extends Pivot
use HasFactory;

protected $table = 'grantables';

public function permission(): BelongsTo
return $this->belongsTo(Permission::class);

public function role(): BelongsTo
return $this->belongsTo(Role::class);
and in Model/Permission.php:
public function grantables(): HasMany
return $this->hasMany(Grantable::class);
public function grantables(): HasMany
return $this->hasMany(Grantable::class);
1 Reply
Davide Cariola
Davide CariolaOP17mo ago
Then in my PermissionResource I have:
fn(Builder $query) => $query->orderBy('order'),
fn (Action $action) => $action->requiresConfirmation(),
->addActionLabel('Assegna a un altro ruolo')
->label('Scegli un ruolo')
->heading('A quali ruoli lo vuoi assegnare?')
fn(Builder $query) => $query->orderBy('order'),
fn (Action $action) => $action->requiresConfirmation(),
->addActionLabel('Assegna a un altro ruolo')
->label('Scegli un ruolo')
->heading('A quali ruoli lo vuoi assegnare?')
But when I try to save I get this error: SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1364 Field 'grantable_type' doesn't have a default value which I think it means that it cannot manage the grantable_type column with the path to the model. Any idea how to solve? Thanks everyone

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