Tenancy - but not tenancy?

I am building a website builder. Models: "Website" has many Pages and Forms, which has many FormSubmissions, Is there a "native" way to trick the tenancy system to scope everything by the current website, but also allow for having Teams, where you essentially nagivate through a three of filament panels where the team is the root, they have many Websites, which has pages, forms etc, with different navigation items in the sidebar? Its not exactly "child resources", its not exactly tenancy, unsure what the best approach is without bypassing the entire thing and using magic session values (which breaks when you open two different "websites edit screens" in different tabs, as one will overwrite the other etc.
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5 Replies
awcodes15mo ago
I’ll be the first to admit im not a tenancy expert, but if at any point you use the term “trick” then there is something fundamentally wrong with your approach. I do understand though. I have a store api that has separate brands (tenants) but I don’t need users to be scoped to those brands. The user should have the same permissions across all brands without needing them to be treated as separate users on each brand.
Helge Sverre
Helge SverreOP15mo ago
Hmm yeah, kinda tricky, i dont want the tenancy for the sake of permissions or whatever, i basically want to swap the "sidebar" to be context sensitive and link to "this websites pages, forms etc" instead of listing all of them, i guess this kind of is tenancy in that sense.. maybe ill just try that and see what happens
awcodes15mo ago
Could be that your really just need one sidebar where the visible items are simply based on policies and not tenants. Hard to say though. Feel like a lot of times people reach for tenancy when it’s not actually needed. But it’s possible that you actually do. Just saying. Something to figure out for your needs.
Helge Sverre
Helge SverreOP15mo ago
essentially, i want to have a list of websites as the dashboard, and "singleton" edit pages for the website resource itself, and listing pages for pages/forms that relate to the website resource i am currently viewing hmm Like a relation manager, but as the sidebar-ish
awcodes15mo ago
Yea. I hear you. It’s kinda of an in between state that I haven’t found a good solution for.

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