Programatically create record?
I need to create a record programatically every X hours for an admin to review and change status.
I'm guessing I can run a cron job to do it but I haven't been able to find anything related to programatically create the record. Does anybody know if this can be done?
3 Replies
Not really a Filament thing, it's 100% vanilla Laravel. Just schedule a queued job, and create your model.
In app/Console/Kernel.php ...
... and in app/Jobs/YourJob.php ...
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Sorry, I'm fairly new to Laravel so I didn't even think of this way but it makes a lot of sense! Thanks a lot 🙏
Note that you would very probably want to be using queues to do this, so you'll need to read up on queue handling. Easiest way of managing queues is with Horizon.
What do you host your app on?