Blocked loading mixed active content
im using filament3, i have no errors in local enviroment but i'm getting following errors in production
and some components are not fully loaded.
21 Replies
Sounds like you are hosting on https:// but load assets from http://. Check your APP_URL
i already used https:// in my APP_URL
Did you set an
or similar?no
i've not set ASSET_URL in my .env
check #✅┊rules

Thanks a lot everyone .. my problem solved .
What was the issue?
It was because of my ASSET_URL that was not set in my .env
i've set that and solved.
You shouldn't need one if APP_URL is the same 🤔

maybe it's cause of nginx or something else ?
@Mohammad Salehi Are you behind a reverse proxy like Cloudflare? If so, you need to enable and configure the TrustProxies middleware. Otherwise the https connection won’t be detected and your asset urls will be http
yeah, but the problem of components fixed and now my uploader component throws 401 error .. i'm using laravel 10 and octane with swoole and nginx ..
So you are using a reverse proxy?
i set the forceScheme in my AppServiceProvider to use https in my production . i also set the $proxies = '*' in TrustProxies
Have you set up the
Ah ok. Weird that you'd need to force it. It should be autodetected
all of the middlewares are default . i was not changed any middleware.
this is my upload url from browser console :