Rich Editor - Expired S3 Images

I'm using the rich editor with images uploads (s3 driver). I've used these instructions: This works great, when creating the message and in the next few minutes. It seems that the s3 temporary url is being stored directly on the field. So, it's storing the url with an expiration date 5 minutes (default) after being created. Shouldn't this work as it is? or do we need to build some kind of regex to regenerate the temporary url and replace it? Thank you
3 Replies
awcodes2y ago
Yes you will need some kind of regex/parser if you want to store signed URLs inside of html content.
Diogo Gomes
Diogo GomesOP2y ago
Thank you. So people are only using public images with this component?
awcodes2y ago
More than likely. But understand that it’s not a component or filament or even livewire thing. It’s just how data is stored. Any wysiwyg that is storing html will have the same problem.

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