Admin Panel Missing Resources Suddeny
I'm sure I did something. Probably something silly. I've been working on my User side for a few days and ignoring the Admin. Today I went back to the admin and none of the resources (Well, neither - there's only 2) are showing there.
The code wasn't changed, but I did experiment with a permission manager (Filament Shield / Spatie) and I've confirmed that everything seems to be removed related to "shield" and "spatie" and "permission" and "role" throughout the codebase. The 2 resources are still in the Filament folder (with their related sub folders)
Any thoughts on why I've got nothing all of a sudden? Or how to restore it?

5 Replies
I tried removing the resources and re-creating them with Generate and still no result. BUT If I create "FakeResource" it DOES appear in the list. (It doesn't work of course since it's not real)
Check your Policy files.
Even if you remove shield the policy files will still be enforced if they exist.
Perfect score! I don't know how I missed those. I guess I didn't search the right terms. Interestingly, when I remove them, it throws a "not found" error. They must be registered somewhere. I'll keep digging. Thank you.
The next part was 'composer dump-autoload'