Does bazzite tend to be buggier than steamos or about the same?

I am wondering how bazzite and steamos compare in terms of amount of bugs. Is it more likely for steamos or bazzite to get bricked during an update?
8 Replies
Valerie16mo ago
It has update rollbacks Same as steamos If an update were to brick your system (Which it never should), you can just go back to the previous version
dnkmmrOP16mo ago
what about software bugs in general?
ScreechingBagel16mo ago
i think op is asking about the level of polish
dnkmmrOP16mo ago
that is what I am talking about
EyeCantCU16mo ago
Try both. We aim to provide an experience that's stable but it never hurts to see for yourself. I wouldn't consider either buggy in their current state
dnkmmrOP16mo ago
the thing is that I don't feel like wiping my system
my steamOS just broke again just main channel things... i prob should have switched to preview after 3.5 released but i didnt expect to break my whole installation
dnkmmrOP16mo ago
maybe valve should use ostree for steamos 4

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