How to mimic the prisma cursor option for use with useInfiniteQuery

How to mimic the cursor option in drizzle with MySQL? This is the Prisma documentation:
1 Reply
Angelelz17mo ago
Cursors are just queries with a limit You'll have to keep track of the last seen ID, because that'll need to provide in subsecuent queries to get the next batch of results for example:
const cursorUsers = db
cursorId ? gt(, cursorId) : undefined. // <-- If cursorId is provided, get all the users with a id higher than that

const cursorId = <-- this would be the last id seen from the query
const cursorUsers = db
cursorId ? gt(, cursorId) : undefined. // <-- If cursorId is provided, get all the users with a id higher than that

const cursorId = <-- this would be the last id seen from the query

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