Custom domain stuck on “initializing”

It’s been stuck like this for hours. I did remove and re-add it again. Perhaps that’s made it worse? The site still loads if I visit the domain though 🤔
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22 Replies
Chaika2y ago
What's the custom domain? Can't say much without that. You could check over manually if it's sensitive, probably something wrong with the cert. issuance, CAA records missing or something
Debugging Pages · Cloudflare Pages docs
When setting up your Pages project, you may encounter various errors that prevent you from successfully deploying your site. This guide gives an …
JoeOP2y ago
Rebecca's Nails & Beauty
Rebecca's Nails & Beauty
Rebecca's Nails & Beauty provides beautiful, affordable beauty treatments in Bristol.
JoeOP2y ago
I bought the domain from a registrar called Hostinger, then added it as a zone - left the import as default. It’s got quite a few CAA records attached to it. I changed the name servers and it’s fine visiting the site. It’s just odd how it’s stuck in that initializing state. I’m new to domain stuff so I’m not really sure what I’m doing tbh @Chaika
Chaika2y ago
I changed the name servers and it’s fine visiting the site. It’s just odd how it’s stuck in that initializing state
Pages does two things when you add a custom domain, adds the DNS Record/Custom Hostname link, and also issues you an ssl/tls cert for that (Even if it's already covered by your website's universal). It looks like it's having trouble issuing the ssl/tls cert. What CAA records do you see in your DNS Records panel? Well besides that, you also usually want to pick either www or apex (no subdomain, and make it your primary, and have the other one redirect to it. i.e if you wanted www to be your primary place for your website, you would then add a redirect from apex to www: is about redirecting from apex -> www, but you could do it backwards following that without too much difficulty If you don't do that, Search Engines like Google will penalize you for duplicate content
Redirecting www to domain apex · Cloudflare Pages docs
In this guide, you will learn how to redirect the www subdomain to your apex domain ( This is a common question and can be achieved by …
JoeOP2y ago
Oh I see what you mean re: Google - now my brain is melting 😀 based on my settings above and that tutorial I’m not even sure what I would need to change Out of impatience I removed the zone and re added and then added the custom domains to the page project again and now both domains are stuck on initializing - so now visiting those domains won’t work at all, I’m in a right tizzy now 🥵
Chaika2y ago
It's kind of weird because those should match the defaults you want, but you can't actually create those that way using the dashboard itself, only via import, so I'd try deleting all the CAA records and going from there. If you have no CAA records, you have no restrictions on certs that can be issued.
Chaika2y ago
so now visiting those domains won’t work at all, I’m in a right tizzy now 🥵
What do you mean? loads for me
Rebecca's Nails & Beauty
Rebecca's Nails & Beauty
Rebecca's Nails & Beauty provides beautiful, affordable beauty treatments in Bristol.
JoeOP2y ago
Yeah they’re loading now. They both still say initializing and I think I’ve done the redirect using “bulk redirects” I will just wait a day or so and see if the state changes - do you think because I have deleted and re added so many times there’s some sort of bug or it’s having to keep resetting back and do the process again? @Chaika one custom domain has now verified which is great. Other is “verifying” still. I think if you keep removing and adding them back it starts the process again. It probably should be mentioned in some warning message when you click to remove the domain. Doh! 🥲😀 Fingers crossed, the www domain will verify soon
Akash2y ago
I faced this issue multiple times. Checked Firewall Events under Security -> Events and realized that cloudflare was trying to connect to my site as part of verification proces but it was not going through due to some WAF rules. Adjusted WAF rules and it went through in no time.
Chaika2y ago
Yea if you add and remove them it starts the entire process over, including issuing a new cert If you do delete and add them fast enough, you might eventually hit cert. issuance rate limits, but it'd be pretty excessive Was it the /.well-known/acme-challenge/<randomstring> path? If so, yea that could def break it
Akash2y ago
Yes it was this one only.
JoeOP2y ago
So am I best to just wait and see if my other domain verifies?
Chaika2y ago
You have both your apex and www added, and only your apex has verified? Might not be a bad idea to check over Security events as well, I don't see any block on your acme-challenge, but if you have Bot Fight Mode or something else on, could be conditional
JoeOP2y ago
Yeah just my www domain remains amber Bot fight mode is toggled off I can see. I’ll just wait - perhaps tomorrow it’ll have done it (it’s 3.40pm here) I’ll let you know if it does 🤞😊
Chaika2y ago
It really should have happened by now if it was going to ever happen, like within 30 mins of adding it Do you see anything under Security -> Events?
JoeOP2y ago
Just says I have basic WAF protection. Nothing else i can see Yeah but maybe I added the www domain after the apex so it’s catching up I don’t wanna remove and add it again if that starts the process again 😜
Chaika2y ago
You don't see any firewall events?
Chaika2y ago
ex, on Security events, below the waf protection
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JoeOP2y ago
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JoeOP2y ago
Sorry using discord on my phone @Chaika both domains verified 🥳
Oleksii14mo ago
Good morning! I have a similar issue. My custom domain ( works when I access the page with it, but the "Custom domains" tab on Pages still says "Initializing". Do I just have to wait longer?
Erisa14mo ago
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