multitenant/multiple orgs
We want to deploy Novu to a saas app, using cloud edition.
1. Each customer can setup the channels they need from a predefined list. Ie each customer has email, slack, teams, webhooks etc to choose from.
2. Each customer can setup the type of alerts they need from a pre defined list.
3. For email it would email all users
4. For slack etc it would be org based, ie 1 message to a slack channel and not to each user.
Trying to work out if this is possible today with organisations and topics?
The roadmap suggests organisations and multitenant not built yet. Multitenant definition on site is really confusing, seems to be a subset of users across orgs.
4 Replies
for 1, 2 and 3,
You can create workflows for different usecases. Each workflow has channel preference and subscriber (user) has its own preference for each workflow and each channel.
Read more about preferences
4. Yes it can be configured when you create slack app, you need to choose a channel to which you want to send notification
@bento888 In your case, a customer is a person or organisation?
Customer is a organisation, user is a user of that organisation.
1. We have multiple customers.
2. They set up alerts for alertType1 to go to an org slack channel in their slack environment.
3. They setup alerts for alertType1 and 2 to go via email. This would go to all users in that organisation.
thanks for sharing 🙏🏻
You can create multiple organisation in one novu account, then you can create subscribers (users) oer organisations.
Novu expects to have slack webhookUrl in each subscriber to send slack notification.
and similarly subscriber should have email set to receive notification
You can use broadcast api to send alert/notification to all users
Broadcast event to all - Novu
Trigger a broadcast event to all existing subscribers, could be used to send announcements, etc.
In the future could be used to trigger events to a subset of subscribers based on defined filters.